March 23, 2005

Erin's Adventures in Consumer Wonderland

I've been hemorrhaging money. The good thing is that its not the result of power advertising on tv, radio, and billboards. I still have no desire to buy a Scion or H2 (grrrr). Some guys at Power Honda tried to sell me a car when I was trying to drive away in the Papas and Beer car I'm borrowing. Eric saw them and considered hitting them with his car so I could get away, but wasn't completely sure it was me. It wouldn't have been so annoying if one of them hadn't said, "aw, she's shy, I like shy girls" and then showed me his cell phone banner which read something like "commander kitty." Nah, I'm just blowing money on the usual things shojo manga (Furuba, Alice 19th), DVDs (Star Wars, Porco Rosso, Naussicaa, The Incredibles), videogames (Karaoke Revolution 3, the Urbs, Suikoden IV, and Xenosaga I), and tickets to see the More Friends final fantasy concert in May (yay!). Now I've been wanting to see this since I heard about the LA Philharmonic one last year. I thought all hope was lost when I found out about the one in San Francisco a couple days after it happened. Then yesterday when I was looking for a webpage layout I liked, I came across the Square-Enix page and lo and behold they just started selling tickets for another concert at the Universal Amphitheater.

Of course the one thing I've been trying to spend money on, a dog, I haven't been able to. It's like, if these Chihuahua Rescue people think that I'm not good material to be adopting one of their couple hundred doggies, I wish they'd tell me rather than ignore me so I can go find a dog elsewhere. It's too bad too, because its not that I want a Chihuahua, it's that I want a small dog, and the Chihuahua muts I like don't even look like Chihuahuas, but small normal dogs.

The other thing I've been wanting to spend money on is a trip to Japan this summer, but I haven't looked into making my itinerary that much yet.


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