Erin's Super Japanese Adventure (for lack of a more ridiculous title)

Pics! (well some of them)

July 31, 2005

So tomorrow I leave for Japan! Heh, I'll be sure to diligently keep a travel journal and take pictures. So when I get back there will be a massive update. Don't feel like typing much right now, so ja ne.

August 1-2

As July changed over to August I was of course up for one last log in of City of Heroes... more >>

August 3

I said I would lose myself and that I did. It took me a bit to figure out how to use the JR Pass. A bit = all morning... more >>

August 4

I can navigate the Tokyo mass transit system pretty well now. So far I've manage to get to the Imperial Gardens and Shibuya without getting lost... more >>

August 5

I decided that I wanted to go to the Studio Ghibli museum, little did I know it would be a lot of trouble and a near impossiblity... more >>

August 6

Well today is the aniversary of the day we bombed Hiroshima... more >>

August 7

Ech its humid. So today I decided to inquire about the Tanabata festival... more >>

August 8

Taking the Shinkansen (the bullet train) to Sendai... more >>

August 9

A day trip to Kyoto. After a night of very light and broken sleep, I got up and hopped the train to Kyoto... more >>

August 10

I must say the sun here is perfect. I've gotten at least a shade and a half darker and haven't burnt beyond my shoulders getting a little sore... more >>

August 11

My neighbors must be really 'busy' or something, I haven't seen the 'do not disturb' sign leave their door knob... more >>

August 12

Final day. I have over 2000 yen in my pocket that needs to be spent...
more >>

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